Monday, March 31, 2014

DIY Snack Bars

Although I'm not very good at cooking, every now and then I feel the need to go into that kitchen and make something delicious. This time it actually worked out pretty well, these snack bars are both tasty and healthy. (They have granola, that counts, right?)

1. Pour some granola into a medium-sized bowl.

2. Add cereal, chocolate chips, gummy bears, marshmallows. Whatever you want, but the marshmallows are a must. They will keep everything else together.

3. Heat in microwave for 30 second intervals. 

4. Mix in between, until marshmallows are all over everything else and you have this delicious-smelling, soft, gooey mixture.

*You can add all kinds of extra ingredients into this mix, experiment with it.

5. Butter up your hands a bit, and flatten out the mixture on a cutting board, cookie pan, or other flat surface you can put in a fridge. I used wax paper on top of the board, but it's not really necessary.

6. Stick in the fridge for a while. You can cut it before or after it's cooled down. I put this one in the freezer, that may have been too much.


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